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Title: A review of the breeding population of the Yellow-legged gull Larus cachinnans in the Maltese islands
Authors: Borg, John
Cachia-Zammit, Richard
Keywords: Yellow-legged gull -- Breeding -- Malta
Issue Date: 1988
Publisher: Malta Ornithological Society
Citation: Borg, J., & Cachia-Zammit, R. (1988). A review of the breeding population of the Yellow-legged gull Larus cachinnans in the Maltese islands. Il-Merill, 25, 8-9.
Abstract: The Yellow-legged gull Larus cachinnans is a common winter visitor and a fairly common breeding resident in the Maltese Islands. It is found breeding in a few small scattered colonies along the south-western coasts of Malta and Gozo as well as on the islet of Filfla (Sultana & Gauci 1982). Bannerman & Vella-Gafflero ( 1976) wrongly claim that it also breeds on Comino. Breeding there could not be confirmed during the past 20 years and there have never been any breeding records for Comino in the Literature.
Appears in Collections:Il-Merill : issue 25 : 1988
Il-Merill : issue 25 : 1988

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