Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2004 | The persona and deaths of Six 16th century Grand Masters of the Order of St. John | Bonello, Giovanni |
2004 | A smile a day keeps the lawyers away! : the importance of effective communication in preventing litigation | Hegan, Timothy J. |
2004 | Remission during pregnancy of severe Chronic Hypertension due to 11-ß Hydroxylase Deficiency | Attard, Gerhardt; Cachia, Mario J. |
2004 | Extensive Pulmonary Embolism in late pregnancy associated with Anticardiolipin Antibodies | Galea, David P.; Formosa, Mark; Brincat, Mark P.; Buhagiar, Louis; Samuel, Anthony; Kunovski, Goce |
2004 | The outcome of Gestational Diabetic pregnancies in the Maltese Islands | Savona-Ventura, Charles; Chircop, Marcelle; Ellul, Alan; Azzopardi, Joseph; Janulova, Lina |
2004 | An overview of the management of Congestive Heart Failure in Malta | Schembri, Stuart; Sammut, David; Camilleri, Nicola |
2004 | Drug Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae (DRSP) in the Maltese Islands | Micallef, Christianne; Barbara, Christopher; Cuschieri, Paul; Cassar, Robert |
2004 | Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis yesterday and today | Mallia, Carmel |
2004 | The changing face of cancer therapeutics improved : outcome and decreased toxicity with Molecular Targeted Drugs | Attard, Gerhardt; De Bono, Johann S. |
2004 | Health and the Economy : a statement of concern | Attard Montalto, Simon; Brincat, Stephen; Cacciottolo, Joseph M.; Fenech, Albert; LaFerla, Godfrey; Manche, Alexander |
2004 | Message from the Dean and the Chairman of Dental Surgery | Portelli, John M.; Azzopardi, Alexander |