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Title: The occurrence of an American purple gallinule in Malta – Porphyrula martinica a possibly escaped bird.
Authors: Attard Montalto, John
Keywords: Birds -- Malta
Porphyrio -- Malta
Issue Date: 1979
Publisher: Malta Ornithological Society
Citation: Attard Montalto, J. (1979). The occurrence of an American purple gallinule in Malta – Porphyrula martinica a possibly escaped bird. Il-Merill, 19, 14-15.
Abstract: Vagrants from North America are recorded annually in Europe mainly on the Atlantic coast and for obvious reasons few are recorded further inland or in the Mediterranean. On 2nd February 1978 the author was informed by Mr. C. Galea of Msida that he had mounted a bird which he believed was an Allen's Gallinule Porphy rulla alleni. However on examining the specimen I found that it was an American Purple Gallinule Porphyrula martinica. It had been shot at Salina in the autumn of 1977.
Appears in Collections:Il-Merill : issue 19 : 1978
Il-Merill : issue 19 : 1978

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