European Research Studies Journal, Volume 21, Special Issue 3 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 36 of 36
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Formation of a single innovation space in the agrarian sector of the EAEU Member StatesPaptsov, A. G.; Nechaev, V. I.; Mikhailushkin, P. V.
2018Formation and development of the processing industry in the AIC of the regionGlotko, A. V.; Sycheva, I. N.; Petrova, L. I.; Vorozheykina, T. M.; Tolmachev, A. V.; Islamutdinovа, D. F.
2018Education management in Ukraine in the context of global economic transformationsMarkina, I. A.; Safonov, Y. N.; Zhylinska, O. I.; Gaidai, T. V.
2018Digital branch : competitive advantage of banking in Indonesia through information and communication technology to face the 4th industrial eraRiyanto, Agus; Primiana, Ina; Yunizar; Azis, Yudi
2018Economic and political fundamentals for the establishment of the cabinet-owned metallurgical complex in Siberia in the 18th centuryKontev, A. V.; Konteva, O. E.; Kremneva, A. V.; Voronkova, O. Yu.; Poltarykhin, A. L.; Zhuravlev, P. V.
2018Directions to improve economic efficiency of regional productionSycheva, I. N.; Voronkova, O. Yu.; Vorozheykina, T. M.; Yusupova, G. R.; Semenova, A. N.; Ilyin, A. E.
2018Company’s efficiency and its impact on performance : a study on state owned non-financial company listed on Indonesian Stock ExchangeKurniasih, Augustina; Heliantono
2018Development of human capital in the system of economic categories of workZhuravlev, P. V.; Epishkin, I. A.; Chernukhina, G. N.; Zavyalov, M. V.; Varlamova, V. V.; Voronkova, O. Yu.
2018Budget hotel performance based on customers’ perspective and competitive strategyCatur Widayati, Christina; Riorini, Sri Vandayuli
2018Brand promise and reputation against the campaign of a political partySihite, Janfry; Assauri, Sofjan; Halim, Rizal Edy
2018Development of integration processes in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian regionsGlotko, A. V.; Sycheva, I. N.; Dunets, A. N.; Poltarykhin, A. L.; Zhuravlev, P. V.; Tubalets, A. A.
2018Economic concept of food development of Russian marketKozlov, V. A.; Moiseeva, O. A.; Ponomarev, Vladimir G.; Popok, L. E.; Filippova, O. A.; Sterlikov, F. F.
2018Current issues of corporate integrated reporting development in RussiaAkhmetshin, E. M.; Prodanova, Natalya А.; Shevchenko, S. S.; Ratnikova, I. P.; Gazizyanova, Y. Y.; Zherelina, O. N.
2018Institutional analysis of the regulatory and legal framework for financial reporting control in RussiaAkhmetshin, E. M.; Prodanova, Natalya А.; Trofimova, L. B.; Probin, P. S.; Grigorieva, O. G.; Smirnova, V. V.
2018Innovative intellectual property products : the case of Russian FederationAkhmetshin, E. M.; Pavlyuk, Albert V.; Ling, V. V.; Medovnikova, D. V.; Azieva, R. H.
2018Prospects for the implementation of the "digital government" project of the Russian FederationIvanova, V. N.; Poltarykhin, A. L.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 36 of 36