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Title: An addition to the list of the breeding birds of Malta - the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus
Authors: Cachia-Zammit, Richard
Testa, Raymond
Keywords: Birds -- Malta
Acrocephalus scirpaceus -- Malta
Reed warblers
Issue Date: 1979
Publisher: Malta Ornithological Society
Citation: Cachia-Zammit, R., & Testa, R. (1979). An addition to the list of the breeding birds of Malta - the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus. Il-Merill, 19, 13.
Abstract: \\rhile bird-watching at Salina on 26th July I977, \Ye heard frequent calis of voung birds coming from a cluster of reeds Ph1'ccgmites communis growing at the fringes of the ·water. These calls resembled those of young birds begging for food. On further investigation we saw a Reed Warbler A•crocephalus scirpaceus carrying food and observed it feeding a fully fledged young. This was later confirmed by J. Sultana who visited the area at our request. He also heard and ohs<>rved the same calls and behaviour.
Appears in Collections:Il-Merill : issue 19 : 1978
Il-Merill : issue 19 : 1978

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