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Title: 'Fides quaerens intellectum practico-socialem' in the Writings of Adalbert-G. Hamman (1910-2000): Some Footnotes to the Pro-existential Attitude of the Fathers
Authors: Scerri, Hector
Keywords: Hamman, Adalbert-Gautier, 1910-2000
Fathers of the church
Lord's Supper
Baptism -- Catholic Church
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Faculty of Theology
Citation: Melita Theologica. 2004, Vol. 55(1), p. 3-13
Abstract: The author of the article -- a qualified Hamman scholar and researcher -- delves into one of the most characteristic features of this French patristic scholar who was an expert on Christian antiquity and on early Christian prayer. This study highlights the relationship which binds together the Christian vocation and daily life, as evidenced in the writings of Adalbert-G. Hamman, particularly his vies quotidiennes. Hamman's findings are then applied to sacramental theology, particularly sacramental orthopraxis. The influence of Hamman's Franciscan vocation and spirituality on his long academic mission is also studied.
Appears in Collections:MT - Volume 55, Issue 1 - 2004
MT - Volume 55, Issue 1 - 2004
Scholarly Works - FacTheFDT

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