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Title: Report of four workshops on improving the quality of life
Authors: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Handikappati
Ghaqda ghall-Genituri ta' Tfal Handikappati
Department of Health. Health Education Unit
Authors: Camilleri, Joe
Eminyan, Rene
Cassar, Max
Mifsud, Tony
Grech, Carmen
Ferry, Moira
Vella, Sandra
Micallef, Martin
Keywords: People with disabilities -- Rehabilitation -- Malta
People with disabilities -- Care -- Malta
People with disabilities -- Attitudes -- Malta
People with disabilities -- Law and legislation
Forums (Discussion and debate) -- Malta
Issue Date: 1989
Publisher: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Handikappati
Citation: National Commission for the Handicapped. (1989). Report of four workshops on improving the quality of life. Lejn il-futur: prinċipji u policies għall-persuni ħandikappati u l-familji tagħhom - Proceedings of a National Seminar, University of Malta (pp. 67-72). Malta.
Abstract: Workshop questions: The objective of this workshop is to discuss ways and means to improve the quality of life of disabled persons and their families, as members of the community. 1. Do you think that disabled persons in Malta are integrated in society? i. If yes why does this situation exist? ii. If so, how did integration happen? 2. If on the other hand the Maltese Community does not integrate disabled persons into society. a. Why does this situation exist? b. How do you think this situation can change? c. Is there a loss for the community or an advantage for the community when the integration of disabled persons does not take place? 3. How can an educational/social programme be encouraged on a practical level, for integration to happen?
Appears in Collections:Lejn il-futur : prinċipji u policies għall-persuni ħandikappati u l-familji tagħhom

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