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Title: A psychocinematic analysis of film editing in order to understand its cognitive effect on viewer attention
Authors: Nicosia, Giulia
Keywords: Motion pictures -- Editing
Motion pictures -- Psychological aspects
Motion picture audiences -- Psychology
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Nicosia, G. (2018). A psychocinematic analysis of film editing in order to understand its cognitive effect on viewer attention (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: This essay deals with a neuroscientific approach to the study of the effects of film editing in order to understand its direct control over the spectator’s attention during movie watching. Considering film editing to be the variety of cuts applied by film editors, this essay discusses the effects of continuity and discontinuity editing and the long take shots on attention. Cognitive and neuroscientific research on the study of attention are used in this essay to be at the basis for editing techniques analysis. Through the analysis of previous scientific literature, which makes use of fMRI scans and ISC studies, this essay concludes that editing techniques direct large control over the journey of a spectator’s attention through movie watching. In matter of fact, film editors make use of the conscious and unconscious processes of attention to guide it towards the director’s desired outcome. Studies that analyse attention through the recording of eye-tracking movements proved that editing techniques exert control over visual mechanisms in the human cortex. Furthermore, ISC studies reveal that the same brain activity is seen across different individuals during the free watching of film as opposed to the unedited audio-visual reproduction of real life. This notion confirmed that film aesthetics and editing are the main factors in determining the sensory experience of a viewer.
Description: B.COMMS.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacMKS - 2018
Dissertations - FacMKSMC - 2018

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