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Title: Employment as a statement of dignity - workshop report
Authors: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Handikappati
Ghaqda ghall-Genituri ta' Tfal Handikappati
Department of Health. Health Education Unit
Authors: Pisani, Marcel
Azzopardi, Moses
D'Agostino, Eddie
Grech, Carmen
King, Michael
Grech, Connie
Keywords: People with disabilities -- Employment -- Malta
Employees -- Recruiting -- Malta
People with disabilities -- Safety measures
Industrial safety -- Malta
People with disabilities -- Databases
People with disabilities -- Rehabilitation -- Malta
Disability evaluation -- Malta
Dignity -- Social aspects
Forums (Discussion and debate) -- Malta
Issue Date: 1989
Publisher: Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Handikappati
Citation: National Commission for the Handicapped. (1989). Employment as a statement of dignity - workshop report. Lejn il-futur: prinċipji u policies għall-persuni ħandikappati u l-familji tagħhom - Proceedings of a National Seminar, University of Malta (pp. 125-129). Malta.
Abstract: Workshop questions: 1. How should disabled persons be prepared for employment? 2. a. How can suitable employment for disabled persons be identified? b. How can disabled persons find suitable employment which they can retain? 3. a. What are the necessary measures for the prevention of accidents at work? b. What are the services necessary to facilitate the reintegration of disabled persons in the world of work?
Appears in Collections:Lejn il-futur : prinċipji u policies għall-persuni ħandikappati u l-familji tagħhom

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