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Title: An assessment of ward managers' emotional intelligence as demonstrated in their leadership styles.
Authors: Sant, Peter Paul
Keywords: Leadership
Hospital wards -- Administration and management
Emotional intelligence
Issue Date: 2009
Citation: Sant, P.P. (2009). An assessment of ward managers' emotional intelligence as demonstrated in their leadership styles (Master's dissertation).
Abstract: Emotional Intelligence, as originally conceptualized by Salovey and Mayer (1997, p3), "involves the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions". Emotionally intelligent leaders are thought to be happier and more committed to their organization (Abraham, 2000), achieve greater success (Miller, 1999), perform better in the workplace (Goleman, 1998, Watkin, 2000) take advantage of and use positive emotions to improve their decision making and instill a sense of enthusiasm, trust and co-operation in other relationships (George, 2000). The Health Department has recognized the benefits of Emotional Intelligence as it regularly organizes seminars in Emotional Intelligence by the Staff Development Organization. The researcher's aim of this study was to do an assessment of Ward managers' emotional Intelligence in order to identify the level of Emotional Intelligence that the Ward Managers have. The tool used for the study was a pre-validated tool, namely the MSCEIT (Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test). This tool is provided by MHS (Medical Health Systems) Company in Toronto and provided the researcher with each respondent's total emotional intelligence, perceiving emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions and managing emotions. The total population of the study consisted of the ward managers (Nursing Officers, Deputy Nursing Officers, Midwifery Officers, Deputy Midwifery Officers and in their absence Nurse in charge of ward/Unit). This totaled to 160. The online MSCEIT was taken up by 156 respondents. The validity and reliability of the tool was already established by Multi Health Systems. The total emotional intelligence scored by respondents was below average in 129 of respondents with the remaining 27 respondents having an average emotional intelligence. These findings indicate that Ward Managers' emotional intelligence needs to be addressed. Respondents' strongest point was Perceiving emotions; however Using Emotions was the weakest score For those respondents who opted for a feed back on their individual response 140 (90%), the researcher will be meeting them on a one to one basis to give feedback and measures to improve Emotional Intelligence. A SWOT analysis identified teamwork amongst multidisciplinary teams as a strength, and an opportunity for graduates who had researched the topic. The identified weakness was that emotional intelligence has not yet been given due importance by ward managers. The resistance to change and the current organizational culture were considered as threats. This was followed by a change model, namely McKenzie's 7S model which is necessary so that the necessary change attitude in Senior Managers will be seen and cooperation is achieved for the inclusion of Emotional Intelligence in Management Education.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacHSc - 2009
Dissertations - FacHScHSM - 2009

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