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Title: Preliminary global phylogeography of the endangered dusky grouper, epinephelus marginatus, as revealed by mitochondrial DNA
Authors: Sorensen, Molly
Vella, Adriana
Keywords: Grouper fisheries
Epinephelus -- Mediterranean Region
Mitochondrial DNA
Fishes -- Mediterranean Sea
Introduced organisms -- Mediterranean Sea
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Mediterranee
Citation: Sorensen, M., & Vella, A. (2016). Preliminary global phylogeography of the endangered dusky grouper, epinephelus marginatus, as revealed by mitochondrial DNA. Rapport Commission International Mer Mediterranee, 41, 497.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe global phylogeography of Epinephelus marginatus using a mitochondrial DNA marker. E. marginatus is an economically important amphi-Atlantic marine fish found throughout the Mediterranean Sea that is facing extinction in the wild. The evaluation of genetic and biogeographic connectivity is a fundamental component of a species ’ conservation status. Genetic analyses revealed five discrete populations of E. marginatus throughout their global geographic range, where the northern Atlantic population represents a distinctly separate phylogenetic species. Estimated divergence time between the most ancestral population found in the northern Atlantic Ocean and the nouveau-Mediterranean Sea is on the order of two million years.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacSciBio

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