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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 86
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Sedqa : biennial report : 2003-2004Vella Piscopo, Rosalie
1972Feasibility of a national health service in MaltaSammut Alessi, Anne
1992The registers of the Medical Council, Malta : comprising the names, addresses, dates and numbers of registration and registrable qualifications of medical practitioners, veterinary surgeons, dental surgeons/dentists registered on January 1, 1992Medical Council
1995The registers of the Medical Council, Malta : comprising the names, addresses, dates and numbers of registration and registrable qualifications of medical practitioners, veterinary surgeons, dental surgeons/dentists registered on January 1, 1995Medical Council
2000The registers of the Medical Council, Malta : comprising the names, addresses, dates and numbers of registration and registrable qualifications of medical practitioners, veterinary surgeons, dental surgeons/dentists registered on January 1, 2000Medical Council
1998The registers of the Medical Council, Malta : comprising the names, addresses, dates and numbers of registration and registrable qualifications of medical practitioners, veterinary surgeons, dental surgeons/dentists registered on January 1, 1998Medical Council
1996The registers of the Medical Council, Malta : comprising the names, addresses, dates and numbers of registration and registrable qualifications of medical practitioners, veterinary surgeons, dental surgeons/dentists registered on January 1, 1996Medical Council
1990The registers of the Medical Council, Malta : comprising the names, addresses, dates and numbers of registration and registrable qualifications of medical practitioners, veterinary surgeons, dental surgeons/dentists registered on January 1, 1990Medical Council
1993The registers of the Medical Council, Malta : comprising the names, addresses, dates and numbers of registration and registrable qualifications of medical practitioners, veterinary surgeons, dental surgeons/dentists registered on January 1, 1993.Medical Council
1994The registers of the Medical Council, Malta : comprising the names, addresses, dates and numbers of registration and registrable qualifications of medical practitioners, veterinary surgeons, dental surgeons/dentists registered on January 1, 1994-
1991The registers of the Medical Council, Malta : comprising the names, addresses, dates and numbers of registration and registrable qualifications of medical practitioners, veterinary surgeons, dental surgeons/dentists registered on January 1, 1991Medical Council
1996-03Inhalation of steaming seafood aroma : sudden death in an asthmaticObafunwa, John; Rushton, P.; Busuttil, Anthony
2010Xi ħadd li taf għandu l-Multiple Sclerosis : ktieb għat-tfal ta' pazjenti bil-M.S.Grech, Rose
n.d.X’ għandek tkun taf fuq it-thalassemia-
1998Guidelines relating to consent of patients to medical interventionBioethics Consultative Committee; Malta. Ministry for Health, Care of the Elderly & Family affairs
1985Preventing coronary heart disease in the Maltese islandsCacciottolo, Joseph M.
1996-03Dutch and Scottish clinical forensic medicine : a comparisonTurnbull, Jane; Hannaford, P. F.; Busuttil, Anthony
1999National Disability Survey 1999Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Persuni b'Diżabilita'
1998Annual cancer report 1995Department of Health Information
1999Annual mortality reports 1996-97Department of Health Information
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 86