Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019-05 | Book review : Malta’s EU presidency : a study in a small state presidency of the Council of the EU | Briffa, Hillary |
2019-05 | Book review : Achieving sustainable e-government in Pacific island states | Titifanue, Jason |
2019-05 | The competitiveness of small European countries : a focus on Montenegro | Katnic, Milorad; Boskovic, Bojana |
2019-05 | Size, competitiveness and FDIs : small or transition country curse? | Velickovski, Igor; Petreski, Marjan |
2019-05 | Book review : Small states and EU governance : Malta in EU decision-making processes | Briffa, Hillary |
2019-05 | Book review : Pacific power? Australia’s strategy in the Pacific Islands | Gamage, Rajni |
2019-05 | Guest editorial introduction | Allegrezza, Serge; Briguglio, Lino; Spolaore, Enrico |
2019-05 | Book review : Solution protocols to festering island disputes : ‘win-win’ solutions for the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands | Corbett, Jack |
2019-05 | The competitiveness of small states : insights on flexible specialisation | Baldacchino, Godfrey |
2019-05 | Book review : Demilitarisation and international law in context : the Åland Islands | Grech, Omar |
2019-05 | Norm rejection : why small states fail to secure special treatment in global trade politics | Lindsay, Courtney |
2019-05 | A small island territory moving down the ‘development ladder’? A case study of Jersey | Oliver, Michael J. |
2019-05 | The small states of the European Union and the resilience/competitiveness nexus | Briguglio, Lino; Vella, Melchior |
2019-05 | Small state diplomacy and global competitiveness | Dookeran, Winston; Mohan, Preeya S. |