Facets of Maltese Prehistory Collection home page Statistics


Edited by

Anton Mifsud and Charles Savona Ventura

Published by the Prehistoric Society of Malta

© 1999

ISBN No. 9993215007

Printed by: Proprint Co. Ltd., Shepherds Street, Mosta MST 08, Malta.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1999Trunkless legs of stone : debating ritual continuity at tas-Silġ, MaltaVella, Nicholas C.
1999The Gozo stone circle re-discoveredAttard Tabone, Joseph
1999The subterranean sanctuary at Ħal SaflieniMifsud, Anton; Mifsud, Simon
1999Megalithic mandalas of the Middle Sea - the neolithic builders of Malta and their buildersEngland, Richard
1999Mortuary customs in prehistoric MaltaStoddart, Simon
1999Aggression and defence in prehistoric MaltaMagro Conti, Joseph
1999Tarxien, Xagħra Circle and tas-Silġ. Occupation and reuse of temple sites in the early Bronze AgeBonanno, Anthony
1999The social context of Maltese prehistoric artTownsend, Andrew
1999Medical mythology in stone age MaltaSavona-Ventura, Charles
1999The Maltese dolmensSciberras, Daniel
1999The architecture of the Maltese templesTrump, David H.
1999A checklist to the quaternary avifauna of the Maltese islands preliminary noteBorg, John J.
1999The early stages of the Maltese pleistocene mammalian sequence : evidence from the Maghlaq quaternary depositsGalea Bonavia, Carmel
1999Archaeology, epistemology, and the earliest phase of Maltese prehistoryFrendo, Anthony J.
1999Quaternary environments and biogeography of the Maltese IslandsHunt, Chris O.; Schembri, Patrick J.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15