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Title: Engagement in adult English language learners : a case study of learners in a private language school
Authors: Zerafa, Sonia
Keywords: Adult students -- Malta
English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers -- Malta
Second language acquisition
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Zerafa, S.(2019). Engagement in adult English language learners : a case study of learners in a private language school (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: Learner engagement is an important factor in a language learning context. This dissertation aims at exploring factors which influence adult learners when learning English as a second language. The study mainly adopts a qualitative method to collect data intended to address the research question: ‘What are the main factors which influence adult learners when learning English as a second language?’ Initial data was collected by distributing a questionnaire among the participants which allowed them to familiarise themselves with the study in preparation for the semi-structured interviews which followed the questionnaire. The research instruments elicited in-depth information and further explored whether language learning engages the learners’ emotional sphere. Findings drawn from the data analysed demonstrate a high level of motivation, with extrinsic motivation stimulating intrinsic motivation and thus, enhancing learner engagement with English. Language learning is an ego-involving experience that may bring great rewards, but also pose threats to self- esteem as the learner has to cope with limited linguistic resources while trying to express a variety of meanings (Habrat, 2019). The data implies that male participants do not feel particularly anxious when making mistakes in English which concurs with findings that female self- esteem is argued to be slightly lower than male when expressing their fear of making mistakes in L2. Regardless of all these differences, participants are determined to improve their performance in learning English. In conclusion, the concept of motivation and self- esteem simultaneously appear to have a profound effect on enhancing engagement in adult English language learners.
Description: B.A.(HONS)ENGLISH
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacArt - 2019
Dissertations - FacArtEng - 2019

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