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Title: Total cholesterol levels in the Maltese sausage
Authors: Grech, Josef N.
Keywords: Sausages -- Malta
Food -- Cholesterol content
Sausages -- Miscellanea
Issue Date: 1989-04
Publisher: Chamber of Pharmacists
Citation: Grech, J. N. (1989). Total cholesterol levels in the Maltese sausage. The Pharmacist, 20, 20-21.
Abstract: An interesting, but relatively unexplored field in the assessment of the Maltese diet, is the evaluation of the nutritional status of certain traditional dishes and delicacies which, if not endemic to our islands, may only be found in the vicinity of the Mediterranean region. Amongst the more important constituents of such foods, one will most certainly dwell on the cholesterol content of these dishes, this being the most abundant sterol in the body and definitely one with the greatest health implications. With this perspective in mind a study was undertaken to investigate the total cholesterol levels of the Maltese sausage. Using a semi-enzymatic analytical procedure, the total cholesterol concentration of a particular sample was measured, and the value found to be approximately lmg per gm. This value could have serious consequences on atherosclerotic patients.
Appears in Collections:The Pharmacist, Issue 20
The Pharmacist, Issue 20

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