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Title: Health information systems in Malta : past, present and future
Authors: Gatt, Miriam
Distefano, Sandra
Keywords: Information storage and retrieval systems -- Medical care -- Malta
Medical care -- Data processing
Medical care -- Computer programs
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Malta Association of Public Health Medicine
Citation: Gatt, M., & Distefano, S. (2019). Health information systems in Malta : past, present and future. In N. Azzopardi Muscat, D. Cauchi & T. Melillo Fenech (Eds.), Public Health in Malta : 1999 - 2019 (pp. 20-24). Malta: Malta Association of Public Health Medicine.
Abstract: It is well documented and recognized internationally that good quality health information is essential to public health in its endeavor to protect and promote the health of a nation. The need for dedicated health information systems within the Ministry for Health in Malta was felt more than 30 years ago, when the Chief Government Medical Officer at the time called for the introduction and implementation of a health service information system. This led to the development of a dedicated unit with the aims of providing basic statistical and epidemiological information, conducting surveys and evaluating health programmes. Over the years, this unit has developed into the current Directorate for Health Information and Research which is now responsible for maintaining ten population-based Health Registers and a five yearly National Health Interview Survey, in addition to other ad hoc research. This article traces the development of health information systems in Malta from their inception in the early 1980s to date.
ISBN: 9789995715120
Appears in Collections:Public Health in Malta: 1999 - 2019

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