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Title: A pilot study for methadone dispensing from a community pharmacy
Authors: Caruana, Mark
Attard Pizzuto, Maresca
Serracino-Inglott, Anthony
Azzopardi, Lilian M.
Keywords: Methadone maintenance -- Research -- Malta
Drug abuse -- Treatment -- Malta
Pharmaceutical policy -- Malta
Pharmacists -- Malta -- Attitudes
Pharmacist and patient -- Malta
Issue Date: 2016-10
Publisher: University of Malta. Department of Pharmacy
Citation: Caruana, M., Attard Pizzuto, M., Serracino-Inglott, A., & Azzopardi, L. M. (2016, October). A pilot study for methadone dispensing from a community pharmacy. Poster session presented at the 45th European Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy, Oslo, Norway.
Abstract: A poster presentation regarding a pilot study for methadone dispensing from a community pharmacy. Introduction: Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) was introduced in Malta in 1987 and is provided by the Substance Misuse Outpatient Unit (SMOPU). The mode of administration is a centralised one, implying that opioid dependent patients visit the SMOPU where they take their prescribed methadone medication. In 2005, the Government announced the formation of a take-home methadone prescription programme. In 2013, 976 patients were receiving methadone. Aim: To determine whether pharmacists in Malta would be willing to dispense methadone.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacM&SPha

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