Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1998 | Regional socio-economic development plan for the South of Malta : part 4 : consultations | Government of Malta. Ministry of Housing and Local Councils. Planning Council |
1998 | Regional socio-economic development plan for the South of Malta : part 3 : main report | Government of Malta. Ministry of Housing and Local Councils. Planning Council |
1998 | Regional socio-economic development plan for the South of Malta : part 2 : review of proposals | Government of Malta. Ministry of Housing and Local Councils. Planning Council |
1998 | Regional socio-economic development plan for the South of Malta : part 1 : executive report | Government of Malta. Ministry of Housing and Local Councils. Planning Council |
2020 | Tieqa fuq il-qagħda soċjali tal-passat | Farrugia, Toni |
2017 | Frak ta' storja fl-Għarb: 1860-1899 | Zammit, Winston L. |
2019 | Il-lampi tal-pitrolju li kienu jdawlu t-toroq f'Ta' Kerċem f'Santa Luċija fl-imgħoddi | Grima, Michael |
1980 | Final report of the intergovernmental meeting for the establishment of an international Mediterranean intercultural centre in the Republic of Malta | UNESCO |
1986 | Prospects for the development of voluntary work and exchange programs for young people | Bue, Alain |
2002-06 | Frak ta' l-istorja soċjali ta' raħalna | Borg Attard, Joe |
1998 | A comparative analysis of poverty and social exclusion in Malta and Spain | Abela, Anthony |
1994 | Il-qasam tad-djar "Tal-Papa", Birżebbuġa : stħarriġ soċjali u analiżi | Fondazzjoni Ġużè Ellul Mercer; Pirotta, Godfrey A. |
1981 | Ir-rikostruzzjoni tal-Belt Valletta | Bondin, Ray |
2011 | Irġiel Qormin tal-imgħoddi | Tabone, Feliċ |
1992 | Social networks : a comparison between two disabled families - in Malta and in Sweden | Sandling, lngvar |
2019 | Ħal Safi matul il-parrokkat tal-Kappillan Dun Ġwann Caruana (1840-1881) | Baldacchino, Dorian |
1994 | Bormla l-bieraħ | Parish of the Immaculate Conception; Attard, Nathaniel |
1994 | Bormla: 1944...u 1994 | Clews, Charles |
2010 | Silta mill-ktieb tat-tifkiriet 'Fjuri li ma jinxfux' : l-1960, is-sena ta' San Pawl | Friggieri, Oliver |
1999 | Statistiċi interessanti dwar Ta’ Sannat | Sciberras, Lawrenz |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24