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Title: Exploring the Berber element in Maltese
Authors: Hull, Geoffrey
Keywords: Berber languages
Afroasiatic languages
Maltese language -- Foreign elements
Maltese language -- Study and teaching -- Malta
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Għaqda tal-Malti (Universita’)
Citation: Hull, G. (2019). Exploring the Berber element in Maltese. Leħen il-Malti, 38, 123-157.
Abstract: In this article the author explores the berber element in Maltese. Maltese scholars have long been aware of the presence of Berber lexical items derived from the the substratum of Maghrebine Arabic.
Appears in Collections:Lehen il-Malti (2019) - Ghadd 38
Leħen il-Malti (2019) - Għadd 38

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