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Title: Why do the Maltese ask so few questions?
Authors: Boissevain, Jeremy
Sant, Alfred
Farrugia, Charles
Friggieri, Joe
Serracino Inglott, Peter
Keywords: Maltese
Malta -- Social life and customs
Education -- Malta
Issue Date: 1990
Publisher: University of Malta. Faculty of Education
Citation: Boissevain, J., Sant, A., Farrugia, C. J., Friggieri, J., & Serracino-Inglott, P. (1990). Why do the Maltes ask so few questions? Education, 3(4), 16-23.
Abstract: This is the substance of a short talk Prof. Boissevain gave on July 19th, 1968 to the elementary and secondary school teachers attending refresher courses held at the Mater Admirabilis Teacher College at Tal Virtu'. It appeared in an edition of "Ferment" that same year. It is reprinted in this context with the author's permission, and is followed first by four responses written specifically for this issue of "Education", and then by Professor Boissevain's reaction to these responses.
Appears in Collections:Education, vol. 3, no. 4
Education, vol. 3, no. 4
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