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Title: Introduction : visiting St Peter's Monastery
Other Titles: Adeodata Pisani : a mystic nun in Mdina
Authors: Caruana Dingli, Petra
Keywords: Pisani, Adeodata, Blessed, 1806-1855 -- Biography
Pisani, Adeodata, Blessed, 1806-1855
Monasteries -- Malta -- History
Benedictine monasteries -- Malta -- History
Benedictine nuns -- Malta -- Biography
Benedictine nuns -- Malta -- History
Monastic and religious life -- Malta
Benedictines -- Malta
Benedictine nuns -- Malta
Monastic and religious life of women -- Malta
St. Peter's Monastery (Mdina, Malta)
St. Peter's Monastery (Mdina, Malta) -- History
Pisani, Adeodata, Blessed, 1806-1855. Mystical Garden of the Soul
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: St Peter's Monastery
Citation: Serracino Inglott, P., Caruana Dingli, P., Fsadni, R., & Scerri, H. (2018). Introduction : visiting St Peter's Monastery. In P. Caruana Dingli (Ed.), Adeodata Pisani : a mystic nun in Mdina (pp. 2-12). Malta: St Peter's Monastery.
Abstract: In this volume Peter Serracino Inglott (1936-2012) reflects on the life and writings of the Blessed Adeodata Pisani, a Benedictine nun who lived at St Peter's Monastery in Mdina, Malta, in the nineteenth century. His text 'Dialogue with an Heiress: The Secret Life of a Maltese Nun: Adeodata Pisani (1806-55)' includes an analysis of her work 'The Garden', which he considers to be a "micro-masterpiece of spiritual writing". The work is edited and introduced by Petra Caruana Dingli, and includes contributions by Hector Scerri and Ranier Fsadni, as well as the text of an oratorio in Maltese by Serracino Inglott entitled 'Is-soru tal-Mdina'. The work is fully illustrated with photographs by Daniel Cilia.
ISBN: 978-99957-1-344-7
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacArtEng

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