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Title: A qualitative study : the experience of general practitioners with older adult patients with osteoarthritis
Authors: Galea, Doriella
Keywords: Osteoarthritis -- Research
Osteoarthritis -- Patients
Older people -- Diseases
Osteoarthritis -- Etiology
Issue Date: 2019-12
Publisher: Malta College of Family Doctors
Citation: Galea, D. (2019). A qualitative study : the experience of general practitioners with older adult patients with osteoarthritis. Journal of the Malta College of Family Doctors, 8(2), 18-27.
Abstract: Background: Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition commonly effecting older adult patients in the community. There is a “demographic transition” leading to an ageing population. -- Objectives: To perform a qualitative study about how general practitioners (GPs) look at osteoarthritis, and its effects on patients’ lives as regards the biopsychosocial model. The aim is to analyse the GPs’ perspectives about the local available sources and any possible improvements. -- Method: Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was used as it allows the discovery of the details of each individual GP. Two GPs who have been practising for more than 5 years within the community volunteered through the Malta College of Family Doctors. Snowball sampling was used to recruit another two. Semi-structured interviews were then conducted, transcribed and analysed. -- Results: There was a common feeling that dealing with such a widespread disease is challenging within the community and there is a need for a specialised osteoarthritis clinic in the community to cater for all these patients’ needs via an interdisciplinary team. The need for a holistic approach was agreed amongst all the participants. There were four major themes: (i) osteoarthritis as a major health concern, (ii) the GP – a key role in the management of osteoarthritis in the community, (iii) challenges in community care and (iv) the future of primary care in the management of osteoarthritis. -- Conclusion: Osteoarthritis is a common, challenging condition which is treated by GPs; but being multi-faceted, input from other professionals is required.
Appears in Collections:JMCFD, Volume 8, Issue 2
JMCFD, Volume 8, Issue 2

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