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Title: Let Me Learn : the professional development institute
Authors: Muscat, Salvina
Keywords: School improvement programs -- Malta
Classroom management -- Planning
Classroom environment
School management and organization -- Malta
Issue Date: 1999-12
Publisher: University of Malta. Faculty of Education
Citation: Muscat, S. (1999). Let Me Learn : the professional development institute. Education 2000, 6, 27-28.
Abstract: In her first presentation at the second Let Me Learn Professional Development Institute held in Bridgeport New Jersey June 1999, Dr. Christine Johnston from Rowan University, stressed that Let Me Learn is student centred as it focuses on the pupil as a learner rather than on the teacher's teaching. Both pupil and teacher using the Let Me Learn process develop a greater sense of efficacy about their teaching and learning. (Johnston, 1998). All students will take what they have discovered about themselves anywhere they go. As a result of this, students communicate better among themselves as they acknowledge and accept differences. This also encourages underachievers to participate equally in classroom learning. Hence this process makes pupils feel empowered and builds their self-esteem.
Appears in Collections:Education 2000, no. 6
Education 2000, no. 6

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