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Title: A locally destructive, completely asymptomatic, C1-root schwannoma with base of skull invasion : a case report
Authors: Pisani, David
Camenzuli, Christian
Psaila, Josephine
Božanic, Snežana
Calleja-Agius, Jean
Keywords: Tumors
Acoustic neuroma
Nervous system -- Diseases
Nervous system -- Surgery
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Citation: Pisani, D., Camenzuli, C., Psaila, J., Božanic, S., & Calleja-Agius, J. (2017). A locally destructive, completely asymptomatic, C1-root schwannoma with base of skull invasion : a case report. Journal of Surgical Case Reports, 17(2), 1-5.
Abstract: Patients with C1 nerve root schwannomas usually present with signs relating to nerve root compression. However, asymptomatic presentations have never been reported. A healthy, 37-year-old female was referred in view of a slow-growing lump in the left posterosuperior aspect of the neck. The lump was asymptomatic and neurological examination was normal. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a left C1 nerve root tumour, extending around the C1 vertebra and compressing the thecal sac. The tumour had invaded the basiocciput and was impinging on the left cerebellar hemispheric dura. Stereotactic biopsies of the lesion showed a spindle-cell tumour exhibiting an immunoprofile consistent with a schwannoma. The lesion was surgically excised by blunt dissection using a posterior midline approach. The case report adds to the diverse modes of presentation of C1 nerve root schwannomas, in that such lesions must be included in the differential diagnosis of asymptomatic posterior neck lumps.
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