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Title: Riccarda Borg Fernandez
Authors: Agius Muscat, Anton
Keywords: Borg Fernandez, Riccarda, 1878-
Authors, Maltese -- 20th century
Maltese literature
Issue Date: 1965
Publisher: Akkademja tal-Malti
Citation: Agius Muscat, A. (1965). Riccarda Borg Fernandez. Il-Malti, 3-4, 104-112.
Abstract: L-awtur jagħmel apprezzament letterarju għax-xogħol li wettqet Riccarda Borg Fernandez f’ġieħ il-letteratura Maltija.
Appears in Collections:Il-Malti, Ħarġa 41, Numru 3-4
Il-Malti, Ħarġa 41, Numru 3-4

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