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Title: A new council for the Malta Chamber of Scientists
Authors: Valentino, Gianluca
Keywords: Malta Chamber of Scientists
Research -- Malta -- Societies, etc.
Research and development projects -- Malta
Issue Date: 2019-12
Publisher: Malta Chamber of Scientists
Citation: Valentino, G. (2019). A new council for the Malta Chamber of Scientists. Xjenza, 7(2), 122.
Abstract: It is with pride and pleasure that I pen this article as the new President of Malta Chamber of Scientists, whilst extending a warm welcome to my new fellow Council members. The Malta Chamber of Scientists was set up in 1992 at the offices of the Malta Council for Science and Technology, and is an autonomous and professional organization with the specific goals of working towards enhancing the highest levels of education, the public engagement of citizens with science and research, and to foster collaborative networks and promote science and scientists in Malta. It is registered as a Voluntary Organisation with the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector. [excerpt]
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacICTCCE
Xjenza, 2019, Volume 7, Issue 2
Xjenza, 2019, Volume 7, Issue 2

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