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Title: Recent trends in industrial law.
Authors: Barbara, Anthony
Keywords: Industrial relations -- Malta
Industrial laws and legislation -- Malta
Collective bargaining
Social policy -- Malta
Labor unions -- Malta
Issue Date: 1977
Citation: Barbara, A. (1977). Recent trends in industrial law (Master's dissertation).
Abstract: This thesis deals with recent trends in industrial law. The first chapter deals with the constitutional provisions relating to Industrial Law. It is clear that industrial relations have in recent years been given great importance in view of the fact that some provisions of Industrial Law are often to be found in the Constitution of a country. The second chapter deals with the trends prevalent in many countries to adopt simplified procedure in cases of dismissals from employment. Chapter three analyses the growing importance of collective bargaining in the non-government sectors. Whilst Chapter four deals with the prevailing trends relating to union membership, collective bargaining in government employment, and government employees’ right to arbitration. The role of social policy and the trend towards making it part of the law of the country is discussed in Chapter five. Chapter six deals with the right to strike and the recent trends and counter-trends in favour and against this right. Chapter seven deals with trade union immunities and the trend in favour of an extension of these immunities. Whilst the final chapter, deals with Workers’ Participation which undoubtedly is one of the most interesting trends in Industrial Law. This thesis states the legal position as on the 15th August, 1977.
Description: LL.D.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacLaw - 1958-2009

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