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Title: Teacher change and development during training in social and emotional learning programs in Sweden
Authors: Kimber, Birgitta
Skoog, Therése
Sandell, Rolf
Keywords: Teachers -- Training of
Social skills
Emotional intelligence
Issue Date: 2013-04
Publisher: Centre for Resilence & Socio-Emotional Health
Citation: The International Journal of Emotional Education. 2013, Vol. 5(1), p. 17-35
Abstract: The paper presents the results from a thematic analysis of the process diaries of teachers involved in teacher training in social and emotional learning (SEL) in Sweden. Twentynine out of the 122 diaries available were analyzed until saturation was reached. The following themes and sub-themes were extracted: development (professional and personal, and classroom climate), and concomitants of development (need for collaboration and unease). The themes and sub-themes are related to theoretical aspects of specialised teacher education and to the debate in Sweden on how to proceed with SEL programs, and more generally with life skills programs. The results suggest that training generates both general teacher improvement and better implementation of SEL programs.
ISBN: 20737629
Appears in Collections:IJEE, Volume 5, Issue 1
IJEE, Volume 5, Issue 1

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