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Title: The role of fiscal policy in resilience building : experiences of pacific island countries
Other Titles: Small states and the pillars of economic resilience
Authors: Jayararnan, Tiru K.
Keywords: Pacific Area -- Economic conditions
Macroeconomics -- Case studies
Environment -- Economic aspects
Sustainable development
States, Small -- Economic aspects
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: University of Malta. Islands and Small States Institute & The Commonwealth Secretariat
Citation: Jayaraman, T. K. (2008). The role of fiscal policy in resilience building: experiences of pacific island countries. In L. Briguglio, G. Cordina, N Farrugia, & C. Vigilance (Eds.), Small states and the pillars of economic resilience (pp. 95-118). Msida: University of Malta. Islands and Small States Institute & London: The Commonwealth Secretariat
Abstract: The Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are vulnerable to external shocks including natural disasters. Aside from their economic openness, narrow range of exports and dependency on strategic imports, several of them have faced adverse conditions during recent years such as fall in demand for primary commodities and services, including tourism. Furthermore, the challenges of increased globalisation have been testing their capacity to withstand the risks imposed by the vulnerable nature of their economies. However, there are also notable examples of successful small states, which have overcome these handicaps by nurturing economic resilience through sound macroeconomic management. Fiscal policy plays a critical role in ensuring macroeconomic stability. This chapter reviews recent trends in fiscal performance and investigates problem areas of fiscal adjustment.
ISBN: 978-99909-49-24-7
Appears in Collections:Small states and the pillars of economic resilience

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