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Title: Graham Island in the Mediterranean
Authors: Camilleri, Joseph C.
Keywords: Graham Island (Italy) -- History
Graham Island (Italy) -- Eruption, 1831
Islands -- Italy
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: De La SaIle Brothers Publications
Citation: Camilleri, J. C. (2002). Graham Island in the Mediterranean. In: S. J. A. Clews (ed.), The Malta Year Book 2002. Malta: De La SaIle Brothers Publications, pp. 530-532.
Abstract: If we take a quick glance at the centre of the Mediterranean, we find that this area is associated with volcanic activity. The principal volcano in Europe is found in Malta's large neighbour island - Sicily. Mount Etna erupts fairly regularly. The lblean Highlands in Sicily and a number of small areas on the same island have also been subjected to recent volcanic activities. The Italian islands of Pantelleria and Linosa which are located in the south west of Malta are volcanic islands while there are several sites on the sea-bed in the area between Malta and Sicily which have witnessed volcanic activity. Architect D H Camilleri has counted 13 such volcanic activities. One of these areas is Graham Bank, an area quite close to the Sicilian coast. [excerpt]
Appears in Collections:Malta Yearbook : 2002

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