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Title: The Muslim colony of Luceria Sarracenorum (Lucera) : life and dispersion as outlined by onomastic evidence
Authors: Staccioli, Giuseppe
Cassar, Mario
Keywords: Names, Personal -- Islamic
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: University of Malta. Junior College
Citation: Symposia Melitensia. 2006, Vol.3, p. 1-20
Abstract: The life and dispersion of Lucerine Muslims in Apulia (c.1220-1300) are examined from the onomastic point of view. Many Muslim names are recorded in Latin scripted official documents. These do not differ greatly from those reported by Salvatore Cusa and those found in the Maltese Militia List of 1419/20. Some Lucerine names present several variants which can be used as 'markers' to locate the presence of Muslims after their dispersion. The diffusion of modern surnames related to these markers confirms reports in Angevin documents, namely that the cities of Naples and Barletta were the main centres for the subsequent relocation of Muslims. However, large concentrations of these surnames are to be found also in the regions of Latium and the Marches.
ISSN: 1812-7509
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - JCMal
SymMel, 2006, Volume 3
SymMel, 2006, Volume 3

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