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Title: Correspondence
Authors: Frendo, Michael
Keywords: Law -- Malta
Law students -- Malta
Issue Date: 1973
Publisher: Għaqda Studenti tal-Liġi
Citation: Frendo, M. (1973). Correspondence. Id-Dritt, 3, 2.
Abstract: Law is all pervading. It is the rich veracity of this statement that beckons the legal man today to a new consciousness as to his role in society. And his role is all pervading too. It is law which maintains a social structure that is not built on the power in the barrel of a gun. In law, might is not right but right is might. Like any other instrument which yields power, law is also open to abuse. It is the demanding duty of the lawyer or law student to sound his voice and resort to mounting effective pressure, as an individual or as part of a pressure group, to right wrong. His sense of Justice must drive him to see that abuse is substituted by proper, sound use of such a powerful weapon.
Appears in Collections:Id-Dritt : Volume 03 : December 1973
Id-Dritt : Volume 03 : December 1973

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