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Title: Niltaqgħu mas-Sur Joseph A. Vella
Authors: Caruana, Victor B.
Vella, Joseph A.
Keywords: Vella, Joseph A., 1927-
Photographers -- Malta -- Biography
Architectural photography -- Malta
Portrait photography -- Malta
Vella, Joseph A., 1927- -- Exhibitions
Malta Photographic Society
Soċjetà Filarmonika Nicoló Isouard (Mosta, Malta)
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Mosta : Uffiċċju Parrokjali
Citation: Caruana, V. B & Vella, J. A. (2008) Niltaqgħu mas-Sur Joseph A. Vella, 'Il-Mosta : 2008', pp. 42-44
Abstract: Intervista mal-fotografu Joseph A. Vella. F'dan l-artiklu Victor u Joseph jiddiskutu l-karriera ta' Joseph u l-iżviupp tagħha matul iż-żmien. Is-sur Vella jitkellem ukoll fuq il-bosta unuri li rċieva f'xogħolu.
Appears in Collections:Melitensia Works - ERCFAPM

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