Dissertations - InsLin - 1996-2014 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 40
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Il-lessiku : differenzi djalettali fil-qasam ta' l-armar tal-festiZammit, Isabel (2008)
2010II-ġens grammatikali fil-MaltiFarrugia, George
2013La variation stylistique en maltais : étude des usages concrets de la langue appuyée sur une approche contrastive des phénomènes variationnels en maltais et en françaisBezzina, Anne-Marie
2000The relative clause in Arabic : a surface oriented studySalem, Rakas Mohammed (2000)
2014Summarising LinkedIn : generating human-like texts with variationDistefano, Marco (2014)
2014Generating simple weather reports in MaltesePalmier, Justine (2014)
2014Language disfluencies in the interpretation of concepts amongst bilingualsScicluna, Simone (2014)
2014Topicalisation and gesturesMicallef, Serge (2014)
2014Xibket il-kliem : a lexical semantic network of Maltese wordsGrech, David M. (2014)
2003Lexical variation in the semantic field of agricultural toolsChetcuti, Flavia (2003)
2009Clitics in MalteseCamilleri, Maris (2009)
2006The broken plural in Maltese : an analysisSchembri, Tamara (2006)
2007Errors in the written production of Maltese students of German with a special focus on the use of prepositionsPortelli, Mandy (2007)
2014Speaker specific characteristics in Maltese : potential indicators for use in forensic settingsMuscat, Amanda (2014)
2002Lexical access and prototypicality in the English of Maltese bilingual speakersDandria, Roberta (2002)
2014Drinking too much (water) : an online study of the processing of non-literal meaning in MalteseBorg, Marthese (2014)
2001The Maltese sign language (LSM) variety of two deaf Maltese children : an analysisAzzopardi, Maria (2001)
2012A preliminary study of pitch range in emotional spoken Maltese : positivity, negativity and angerAgius, Sarah (2012)
2010Syntactic analysis of interrogative structures in Maltese EnglishAttard, Lucienne (2010)
2007It- tfassil ta' grammatika pedagoġika tal-Malti bħala lsien nattiv għas-sekondarja : studju tan-nom u l-verbUngaro, Melanie (2007)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 40

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