Dissertations - FacMKSDA - 2020 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 38
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Half-dreaming phantomwise : exploring visual (re)presentations of the Quixotic ‘melancholy farewell’ moment in ‘Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There’Catania, Anthony (2020)
2020Echoing David Hockney : a sequential narrative that focuses on the study of relationships within double portraitureMicallef, Giulia
2020Anthropomorphism in character designMicallef, Bjorn
2020Beyond the surface an investigation into the narrative aspects of tattoosLongo, Francesca
2020QUAD : Fitness mobile app : designing an interactive interface targeting identity reinforcementRizzo, Luigi
2020Voguing : dancing at the margins, remediated through digital animationLaferla, Sergio
2020Creating an appealing audiovisual advert through the art of stop motion animationKaehler, Lisa Marie
2020Exploring the complex relationship between place, identity and people through contemporary art practiceInguanez, Andrew
2020Digital interpretation tools for heritageCassar, Anthony
2020The perfection of imperfection : the impact of social media on human behaviour and mental healthHess, Nina
2020Time : exploring the influence of age on subjective time perception through data visualisationGrima, Braydon
2020A new reality : exposing homelessness in Malta through infographic installationsGrech Pirotta, Hannah
2020UMANI : a study about the human sensesVenables, Emma
2020Surveillance capitalism : how can an art installation raise awareness on modern surveillance?Vella, Rakel
2020Exploring Freud’s theories on dreams and surrealism through technologyVella, Francesco
2020The Cambodian genocide and the lasting effects of the Khmer Rouge RegimeTobin, Madeleine M.
2020Portraiture : an in-depth study on self-portrayal and delineationSeychell, Amber
2020Exploring the use of an augmented reality children’s storybook as an educational tool on Maltese endemic animalsScerri, Vincianne
2020Software-based audiovisual synthesiser music and visual relationship : an experimental understanding of audiovisual live performance, sense stimulation, and immersion through softwareSaliba, Jacob Joseph
2020The exploration of virtual reality technologies as an artistic post-mediumPolidano, Emanuel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 38

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