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Title: Two works by Giuseppe Camilleri (1903-1976) : a critical edition and analysis
Authors: Bonello, Rebecca
Keywords: Camilleri, Giuseppe, 1903-1976. Preludio
Camilleri, Giuseppe, 1903-1976. Andante Religioso per Orchestra
Musicians -- Malta -- 20th century
Sacred music -- Malta -- 20th century
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Bonello, R. (2020). Two works by Giuseppe Camilleri (1903-1976): a critical edition and analysis (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: The main aim of my dissertation is to provide a critical edition of the two sacred works by Giuseppe Camilleri (1903-76): ‘Preludio’ and ‘Andante Religioso per Orchestra’. The scores of the work will be accompanied by information on the composer, a brief overview of sacred music of the period, and a brief analysis of the compositions. The study is divided into six sections. Chapter 1 is an introduction about sacred music in Malta and Gozo in the twentieth century. The Motu Proprio of Pope Pius X did indeed bring about important changes and surprisingly it enabled a number of Maltese artists to be creative. Definitely, Camilleri took this approach on board and one witnesses this in the masses and motets that he wrote. In fact, the majority of the pieces were sacred music such as hymns, antiphons, litanies and vespers, with most of these pieces being written during the immediate post war period. Chapter 2 presents the biography of the composer and his works. All his works rose Camilleri to another level and today one looks at his music and compares his melody to a quasi Puccinian approach. Such a dedication in his powerful, melodious, emotional and effective music has surely endowed our Maltese heritage, with a unique kind of music. Then, Chapter 3 deals with a study of the works, including analysis of motifs, themes, harmony, style, texture and form. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, an edition of the scores of ‘Preludio’ and ‘Andante Religioso per Orchestra’, followed by a critical commentary. Eventually, Chapter 6 is the Conclusion, followed by the Bibliography and the Appendices.
Description: B.A.(HONS)MUSIC
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - PAMS - 2020
Dissertations - SchPA - 2020

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