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Title: Chapter 2 : chronology and stratigraphy of the valley systems
Other Titles: Temple landscapes : fragility, change and resilience of Holocene environments in the Maltese Islands
Authors: Hunt, Chris O.
Farrell, Michelle
Fenech, Katrin
French, Charles
McLaughlin, Rowan
Blaauw, Maarten
Bennett, Jeremy
Flood, Rory P.
Pyne-O’Donnell, Sean D. F.
Reimer, Paula J.
Ruffell, Alastair
Cresswell, Alan J.
Kinnaird, Timothy C.
Sanderson, David C. W.
Taylor, Sean
Malone, Caroline
Stoddart, Simon
Vella, Nicholas C.
Keywords: Geology, Stratigraphic
Event stratigraphy -- Malta
Climatic changes -- Malta -- History
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Citation: Hunt, C. O., Farrell, M., Fenech, K., French, C., McLaughlin, R., Blaauw, M., ...Vella, N. C. (2020). Chapter 2 : chronology and stratigraphy of the valley systems. In: C. French, C. O. Hunt, R. Grima, R. McLaughlin, S. Stoddart & C. Malone, Temple landscapes : fragility, change and resilience of Holocene environments in the Maltese Islands. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. 35-71.
Abstract: Adequate absolute dating is critical to understanding the past, especially where data concerning environmental changes from different sites are being compared, as chronology is often the only reliable way to compare evidence from multiple contexts. The archaeological chronology of Malta is becoming increasingly well resolved and this sets up a challenge – how can we obtain comparable high-resolution chronologies of environmental change in the Maltese Islands? The Maltese landforms pose significant barriers to achieving this goal, as much of the available palaeoenvironmental evidence is limited to cores in alluvial or shallow-marine sediments, which contain materials that have been subject to much re-working through time. In this chapter, we introduce and discuss the various techniques that the FRAGSUS Project has brought to bear on this problem, and review the main approaches used. [excerpt]
Appears in Collections:Temple landscapes: Fragility, change and resilience of Holocene environments in the Maltese Islands

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