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Title: Chapter 1 : the geology, soils and present-day environment of Gozo and Malta
Other Titles: Temple landscapes : fragility, change and resilience of Holocene environments in the Maltese Islands
Authors: Chatzimpaloglou, Petros
Schembri, Patrick J.
French, Charles
Ruffell, Alastair
Stoddart, Simon
Keywords: Geology -- Malta
Geology -- Malta -- Gozo
Soils -- Malta
Soils -- Malta -- Gozo
Vegetation and climate -- Malta
Vegetation and climate -- Malta -- Gozo
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Citation: Chatzimpaloglou, P., Schembri, P. J., French, C., Ruffell, A., & Stoddart, S. (2020). Chapter 1 : the geology, soils and present-day environment of Gozo and Malta. In: C. French, C. O. Hunt, R. Grima, R. McLaughlin, S. Stoddart & C. Malone, Temple landscapes : fragility, change and resilience of Holocene environments in the Maltese Islands. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. 19-33.
Abstract: This chapter sets the scene in terms of the geology and present-day climate, vegetation and soils of the Maltese Islands. Geology and faulting has had a huge influence on topography, soils and vegetation, and in turn on the nature of human use and exploitation of the islands. All of these themes are further developed below (and in FRAGSUS Volumes 2 and 3), giving time-depth to the sequences of climatic, environmental and landscape changes throughout the Holocene.
Appears in Collections:Temple landscapes: Fragility, change and resilience of Holocene environments in the Maltese Islands

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