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Title: The enforcement of Maltese judgments in other EU member states under the European Union's ‘Brussels I’ regulation, with particular reference to judgments delivered after 1st May 2004 in cases commenced before that date
Authors: Pace, Corinne Gail
Keywords: Judicial assistance -- European Union countries
Judgments, Foreign -- European Union countries
Conflict of laws -- Jurisdiction -- European Union countries
Jurisdiction (International law)
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: European Law Students' Association Malta
Citation: Pace, C. G. (2016). The enforcement of Maltese judgments in other EU member states under the European Union's ‘Brussels I’ regulation, with particular reference to judgments delivered after 1st May 2004 in cases commenced before that date. ELSA Malta Law Review, 6, 317-332.
Abstract: This essay was the one of the two winning submissions in a competition held by the Editorial Board of the ELSA Malta Law Review, in collaboration with the Office of the Advocate General.
ISSN: 23051949
Appears in Collections:ELSA Malta Law Review : Volume 6 : 2016
ELSA Malta Law Review : Volume 6 : 2016

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