Dissertations - FacArtPhi - 1968-2013 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 51
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1980The interaction of multiple processes of human settlement in a Mediterranean Island ecosystemMacelli, Tony (1980)
2007Mass culture and art : an interpretation of mass culture and its' relation to artSpiteri, Reuben (2007)
1977Death in Heidegger's 'Being and time'Scerri, Loredana (1977)
2003Aristotle's theory of timeSchembri, Maria (2003)
1994Knowledge and man's ascent to it : a comparative study of Platonic and Buddhist viewsSultana, Hazel (1994)
2003Art and knowledgeMatejic, Milorad (2003)
1976Ariadne's thread : the connection between political structure and urban form in industrial societySant Cassia, Paul (1976)
1994Chaos and order : a short analysis on chaos and its effects from a philosophic point of viewSaliba, Joe (1994)
1978Some aspects of Marcuse's thoughtPace, Roderick
2005Being-in-the-world as a critique modernity and the essence of technologyPisani, Keith (2005)
1999Derrida's, Heidegger's Nietzsche and womanMercieca, Caldon (1999)
1978Philosophy of education in Paulo FreirePace, Carmel (1978)
1998The intellectual sources of Nicola Zammit's 'Pensieri d'un Retrogrado'Grech, Michael (1998)
1968The Cambridge PlatonistsMassa, Daniel (1968)
1977The notion of the self according to EriksonLapira, Anna M. (1977)
2009Philosophical reflections on Greek tragedy : Plato, Aristotle, Hegel, NietzscheMifsud, Erika (2009)
2007Civilization : the implications of culture in politics : some Nietzschean themes regarding civilization as juxtaposed against Platonic and Rousseauan onesGove, Jean (2007)
1978Man in Desmond MorrisGatt, Elena (1978)
2009Creation and imagination in philosophyEllul, Maria (2009)
2003Tommaso Campanella and The City of the Sun : Utopianism and Neoplatonism in the late RenaissanceDe Lucca, Jean-Paul (2003)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 51

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