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Title: Management of pregnant women living with type one diabetes mellitus during Ramadan : a theoretical case-presentation discussion
Authors: Vella, Amy
Keywords: Diabetes in pregnancy -- Religious aspects -- Islam
Ramadan -- Miscellanea
Diabetes in pregnancy -- Treatment
Diabetes in pregnancy -- Case studies
Issue Date: 2020-10
Publisher: University of Malta. Medical School
Citation: Vella, A. (2020). Management of pregnant women living with type one diabetes mellitus during Ramadan : a theoretical case-presentation discussion. Malta Medical Journal, 32(2), 122-130.
Abstract: The Ramadan period is highly significant in the Muslim religion which is characterised by fasting from dawn until dusk. In this case scenario, a 23-year old Muslim woman from Somalia expressed her wishes to fast even though this poses a high risk due to the presence of both type one diabetes mellitus and pregnancy. A management plan was devised to fast safely for optimal wellbeing of her foetus and herself. This consisted of carrying out a thorough assessment and identifying her current needs. Dietary pattern was the major feature of the care plan due to its sudden changes in Ramadan. A modified nutrition plan was advised in this scenario, allowing for a balanced diet in iftar and sahur with adequate caloric intake. No additional plans for physical exercise were sought as physical exertions associated with Tarawih prayers were considered sufficient. Insulin management is important since this accompanies meals and adjustments may need to be made. Therefore, providing education in self-monitoring of blood glucose and injecting insulin is paramount. Follow-up by an obstetric care provider during Ramadan is essential.
Appears in Collections:MMJ, Volume 32, Issue 2
MMJ, Volume 32, Issue 2

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