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Title: Connection between retail internationalization and management strategies
Authors: Plazibat, Ivana
Vrdoljak Raguž, Ivona
Keywords: Advertising
International business enterprises -- Management
Investments, Foreign
International trade
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Governance Research and Development Centre, Croatia & University of Malta, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy, Department of Insurance
Citation: Plazibat, I., & Vrdoljak Raguž, I. (2014). Connection between retail internationalization and management strategies. Journal of Corporate Governance, Insurance, and Risk Management, 1(1), 203-212.
Abstract: In past ten years the world of retailing has changed dramatically due to changes to consumer consumption, product saturation and most of all to technology improvements. Retailers have to operate in environment that fluctuates among different challenges that global economy puts on their way of doing business. Also global economy and internationalization of business reduced dependence on home markets and mood swing of domestic consumers. Needless to say attractiveness of foreign-new markets and its possibilities of growth. But unfamiliar and unpredictable territory has its treats and risk. In our paper we are focused on analysis of the strategies that retailers have as option when their wont to internationalize their business. Analysis of theoretical aspects of retail internationalization, and also of motives that shift retailers operations and attention from domestic toward unfamiliar markets are also given. The question for new analysis or research is put is there the best entry strategy for retailers or is it a mix of skill, experience and luck?
ISSN: 2757-0983
Appears in Collections:JCGIRM, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014

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