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Title: Sounds of silence
Authors: Bonello, Julian
Duca, Edward
Farrugia, Lourdes
Sammut, Charles V.
Keywords: Sound-waves
Research -- Malta
Electromagnetic waves
Antenna radiation patterns
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: University of Malta
Citation: Bonello, J., Duca, E., Farugia, L., & Sammut, C. V. (2017). Sounds of silence. THINK Magazine, 20, 4-5.
Abstract: Everything in the world can emanate sound waves. These are invisible, consisting of vibrating particles in the air which can strike our eardrums, which lets humans hear. But what if you want to measure waves coming from a particular object?
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - CenEBI
Scholarly Works - FacSciPhy
Think Magazine, Issue 20
Think Magazine, Issue 20

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