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Title: Development of an applied course in biochemistry for pharmacy students
Authors: Vella Szijj, Janis
Attard Pizzuto, Maresca
Wirth, Francesca
Falzon, Sephorah
Mifsud Buhagiar, Luana
Gauci, Marise
Grech, Louise
Serracino-Inglott, Anthony
Azzopardi, Lilian M.
Keywords: University of Malta. Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. Department of Pharmacy
Pharmacy -- Study and teaching -- Malta
Pharmaceutical services -- Malta
Biochemistry -- Study and teaching -- Malta
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: University of Malta. Department of Pharmacy
Citation: Vella Szijj, J., Attard Pizzuto, M., Wirth, F., Falzon, S., Mifsud Buhagiar, L., Gauci, M.,...Azzopardi, L. M. (2020). Development of an applied course in biochemistry for pharmacy students. EAFP 2020 Virtual Conference.
Abstract: Students reading for a Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Department of Pharmacy at the University of Malta follow a compulsory study unit in biochemistry. The study unit consists of 4 ECTS and is delivered via lectures during the second year of studies.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacM&SPha

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