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Title: Agriculture : a curriculum pack for the EkoSkola programme
Authors: Bonello, Marisa
Mizzi, Bernardette
Spiteri, Judith
Keywords: Education, Primary -- Malta
Environmental education -- Malta
Agriculture -- Malta
Issue Date: 2006
Citation: Baldacchino, M., Mizzi, B., & Spiteri, J. (2006). Agriculture : a curriculum pack for the EkoSkola programme (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: This dissertation is an attempt at implementing environmental education into the Maltese primary schools through a whole school approach namely EkoSkola. Through the production of a resource pack intended for all levels in the primary school we aim to provide teachers with suggestions as to how agricultural issues can be infused through the different curricular subjects. The first part of the dissertation gives an overview on the study of the literature on environmental education in an attempt to implement its principles within the local context. The resource pack included in the dissertation provides teachers with clear guidelines, suggested activities and accompanying resources. It aims at integrating environmental education with other curriculum subject through a main environmental theme - Agriculture. The evaluation of the pack evidenced that in the Maltese primary schools a cross-curricular approach to environmental education can be achieved. However, a restructure in the present educational system is essential for a smoother implementation.
Description: B.ED.(HONS)
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEdu - 1953-2007

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