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Title: Accounting of sale : lease back transactions within the framework of TFRS16 leases
Other Titles: TFRS 16 kiralamalar standardi cercevesinde sat-geri kiralama islemlerinin muhasebelestirilmesi
Authors: Gokgoz, Ahmet
Keywords: Lease and rental services
Lease and rental services -- Law and legislation
Leases -- Finance
Lease or buy decisions
Issue Date: 2021-01
Publisher: Ahmet Gökgöz
Citation: Gokgoz, A. (2021). Accounting of sale : lease back transactions within the framework of TFRS16 leases. Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies, 7(1), 155-168.
Abstract: Purpose of the Study: It is aimed to explain the accounting and presentation of the Sale and Lease Back transactions within the framework of TFRS16-Lease Standard.
Methodology of the Study: The principles of TFRS16- Lease Standard are explained within the content of Sale and Buy Back, afterwards; samples are shown related with the accounting of Sale and Buy Back transactions.
Findings of the Study: During the accounting process; it is important to evaluate whether the asset involved in the Sale and Buy Back Contract is “subject of sales or not”. Thus, accounting basis is varied due to the reply; whether the Sale and Buy Back Contract is evaluated as a sale or not, within the framework of TFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers.
Importance of the Study: In general; the corporations are observed to benefit the Sale and Buy Back Method, frequently. The samples involved in the study are considered to be informative for the researchers by virtue of being relevant to the current applications. Besides; it is considered that the lack of studies relating the Sale and Buy Back transactions within the literature due to TFRS 16 Standard makes this study more remarkable.
Calismanin Amaci: TFRS 16 Kiralamalar Standardi cercevesinde sat-geri kiralama islemlerinin muhasebelestirilmesi ve sunumunu aciklamaktir.
Calismanin Metodolojisi: Calismada TFRS 16 Kiralamalar Standardi'nin hukumleri sat-geri kiralama ozelinde aciklandiktan sonra sat-geri kiralama islemlerinin nasil muhasebelestirilecegi uzerine ornek uygulamaya yer verilmistir.
Calismanin Bulgulari: Sat-geri kiralama islemleri muhasebelestirilirken sat-geri kiralama sozlesmesinde bir varligin satisa konu edilip edilmediginin degerlendirilmesi onem tasimaktadir. Sat-geri kiralama sozlesmesi TFRS 15 Musteri Sozlesmelerinden Hasilat Standardi cercevesinde bir satis olarak degerlendirilip degerlendirilmemesine gore muhasebelestirme esaslari degismektedir.
Calismanin Onemi: Gunumuzde sirketler finansman ihtiyacini karsilamak amaciyla sat-geri kiralama yontemini siklikla kullanmaktadirlar. Calismada uygulamaya dair orneklerin yer almasi uygulamacilar acisindan yol gosterici olacagi dusunulmektedir. Ayrica literaturde sat-geri kiralama islemini TFRS 16 Standardi cercevesinde konu edinen yeterli calismanin olmayisi calismayi onemli hale getirmektedir.
Appears in Collections:Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies, Volume 7, Issue 1
Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies, Volume 7, Issue 1

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