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Title: Il-kanonku dekan Carmelo Cefai 50 sena sacerdot
Authors: Kumitat Festi Esterni Corpus Domini u San Pawl
Keywords: Priests -- Malta -- Rabat -- History -- 20th century
Collegiate Church of St. Paul (Rabat, Malta) -- History -- 20th century
Cefai, Carmelo, 1920-2013
St. Paul's Grotto (Rabat, Malta) -- History -- 20th century
Church of the Nativity of Mary (Rabat, Malta)
Imtaħleb (Rabat, Malta)
Issue Date: 1995
Publisher: Rabat, Malta : Kumitat Festi Esterni Corpus Domini u San Pawl
Citation: Kumitat Festi Esterni Corpus Domini u San Pawl (1995). Il-kanonku dekan Carmelo Cefai 50 sena sacerdot. Rabat Festi Taghna 1995, 51.
Abstract: F'dan l-artiklu jinghata taghrif dwar il-kanonu dekan Carmelo Cefai. Cefail twieled fir-Rabat Malta fil-25 ta' Mejju tal-1920. Hu lahaq qassis fl-1945 u baqa jservi lill-kollegata ta' San Pawl u entitajiet ohra li ghandhom x'jaqsmu maghha sall-ahhar ta' hajtu.
Appears in Collections:Melitensia Works - ERCPPRChr

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