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Title: Delicious delivery for your muscles
Authors: Camilleri, Marija
Keywords: Food habits -- Malta
Physical fitness
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: University of Malta
Citation: Camilleri, M. (2020). Delicious delivery for your muscles. THINK Magazine, 31, 52-55.
Abstract: You are what you eat, that’s conventional wisdom. But many of us lack the expertise and time to purchase, prepare, and cook healthy meals. Usually we end up cooking the same things every day without trying to be creative. Mark Cassar, a body-building and fitness enthusiast, understood this frustration all too well, and so together with his long-time friend, Aaron Buhagiar, they decided to create Fortify, a meal-prepping service. Restaurants and food trucks might be on every corner, yet foodies following particular diets still face a challenge to find somewhere to eat. Cassar and Buhagiar discovered this market niche. ‘We realised that there is a great demand for this business model, and we know through research that gym-goers and body-builders are willing to invest in our product,’ says Cassar.
ISSN: 2306-0735
Appears in Collections:Think Magazine, Issue 31
Think Magazine, Issue 31

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