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Title: Standardization of an English word-reading list
Authors: Bajada, Angele
Camilleri, Bernardina
Gauci, Jessica
Keywords: Education, Primary -- Malta
English language -- Study and teaching -- Malta
Reading -- Malta
Sex differences
Issue Date: 1999
Citation: Bajada, A., Camilleri, B., & Gauci, J. (1999). Standardization of an English word-reading list (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: This dissertation comprises the standardization of the English Word-Reading Test: 711 (Falzon 1967) for children attending years 4, 5 and 6 in state schools in both Malta and Gozo. The standardization sample consisted of 1186 children with approximately equal numbers of girls and boys from each year group. Besides this, the English Reading Comprehension Test: Forms A and B (Falzon 1967) was administered to one-third of the representative sample. Item analyses were carried out for both tests. The norms were given as age norms. Sex and age differences in word recognition skills were studied. The validity and reliability of both tests were investigated. An analysis of results revealed that in both tests, Year 6 pupils did better than pupils in Year 5 who in tum performed better than Year 4 pupils. Girls outperformed boys in the English Word Reading Test: 711. Both tests proved to be reliable and valid. A high correlation exists between word-recognition skills and reading comprehension competence. Shortened versions for the English Word Reading Test: 711 and English Reading Comprehension Test were compiled in order to be used for screening purposes.
Description: B.ED.(HONS)
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEdu - 1953-2007

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